Your Real Estate Agent at the Tegernsee
- Specializing in Luxury Properties -
The " "Rehage & Partner GmbH" was founded by Mrs. Rehage in Rottach-Egern on June 1st 1993 and worked its way up to having a reputation as solid and responsible brokerage firm.
On January 27th 1999, Wolfgang Boetsch acceded to this company and renamed it to "Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH" on June 26th 2003.
The acquisition of the company was followed by partly volatile years. They were characterized by partly rapid upswings, but also calmer and more difficult times. The resulting wealth of experience is the basis of the success des Unternehmens.
The "Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH has grown during this time through flexible adjustments to the business model and has been able to maintain its reputation as a responsible and successful brokerage firm.
The past "booming" years have also left negative marks in the Tegernsee area. By picking well-chosen objects, we as company did not take part in this trend.
In the future, we will go one step further and actively help to keep our area as beautiful as it is.
For this reason, we adapted our business concept to focus even more than before on construction projects and renovations that emphasize the beauty of our landscape and preserve the Tegernsee Valley as a pearl in the Alpine foothills.To this end, we want to rely first and foremost on the quality and knowledge of our local architects and craftsmen..
We are looking forward to welcoming you as one of our happy clients.
Wolfgang Boetsch and his team of Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH
Your real estate agent
at tegernsee

The " "Rehage & Partner GmbH" was founded by Mrs. Rehage in Rottach-Egern on June 1st 1993 and worked its way up to having a reputation as solid and responsible brokerage firm.
On January 27th 1999, Wolfgang Boetsch acceded to this company and renamed it to "Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH" on June 26th 2003.
The acquisition of the company was followed by partly volatile years. They were characterized by partly rapid upswings, but also calmer and more difficult times. The resulting wealth of experience is the basis of the success of the company, which continues to this day under the leadership of Wolfgang Boetsch.
The "Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH has grown during this time through flexible adjustments to the business model and has been able to maintain its reputation as a responsible and successful brokerage firm.
The past "booming" years have also left negative marks in the Tegernsee area. By picking well-chosen objects, we as company did not take part in this trend.
In the future, we will go one step further and actively help to keep our area as beautiful as it is.

For this reason, we adapted our business concept to focus even more than before on construction projects and renovations that emphasize the beauty of our landscape and preserve the Tegernsee Valley as a pearl in the Alpine foothills.To this end, we want to rely first and foremost on the quality and knowledge of our local architects and craftsmen..
We are looking forward to welcoming you as one of our happy clients.
Wolfgang Boetsch and his team of Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH
About us
Die Vermietung oder der Verkauf einer Immobilie in Eigenregie ist aufwändig.
Professionelle Makler unterstützen Sie hierbei.
Die Frage, die sich die meisten Eigentümer stellen, ist: „Was macht eigentlich ein Makler, um bei dem Verkauf der Immobilie zu helfen?“
Wir zeigen Ihnen die vielfältigen Aufgaben in unserem Geschäftsalltag eines Maklers auf und warum es sich lohnt einen professionellen Anbieter zu beauftragen.
Diese Aufgaben übernimmt ein Makler der Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner für Sie:
- Wir ermitteln einen marktgerechten und angemessenen Angebotspreis
- Wir helfen Ihnen Verkaufsunterlagen zusammenzustellen und kümmern uns darum, dass die Unterlagen sauber und komplett geordnet sind.
- Wir übernehmen sämtliche Werbemaßnahmen und –kosten und inserieren nicht nur auf den Standardwerbekanälen
- Wir selektieren Interessenten für Sie und helfen Ihnen, den richtigen Käufer zu finden
- Wir bereiten den Kaufvertrag vor und koordinieren Notartermine
- In den meisten Fällen erzielen wir als Immobilienmakler gegenüber Privatleuten einen höheren Verkaufspreis, aufgrund der Erfahrung im Verkauf von Immobilien, der Ortskunde und des Kundenstamms
- Wir können Sie in vielen Bereichen beraten, die uns der gesetzliche Rahmen erlaubt
- Wir verweisen zu einer vertrauenswürdigen Rechtsberatung, wenn der Beratungsrahmen des Maklers erschöpft ist
- Wir erstellen ein aussagekräftiges Exposé und nehmen Rücksicht auf ihre Wünsche und Bedenken
- Wir koordinieren und führen Besichtigungstermine durch und verkaufen oder vermieten Ihr Objekt schnellstmöglich und zum bestmöglichen Preis
- Wir überprüfen die Kreditwürdigkeit des Käufers oder Mieters
- Wir können für Sie die Übergabe mit den neuen Besitzern oder Mietern durchführen, werden aber in jedem Fall mit dabei sein, falls Sie die Übergabe selber durchführen wollen.
Was spricht für einen Makler bei einem Verkauf?
Die Abwicklung eines Immobilienverkaufs ist ein sehr vielschichtiges Verfahren.
Es nimmt nicht nur jede Menge Zeit in Anspruch, es erfordert zudem sehr viel Sorgfalt und eine bedachte und strukturierte Vorgehensweise. Wenn Sie sich also für den Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie entschieden haben, müssen Sie nur noch die Entscheidung treffen, ob Sie diesen in Eigenregie durchführen oder einen fachkundigen Makler damit beauftragen. Da viele Immobilieneigentümer kein Risiko eingehen wollen, vertraut mehr als die Hälfte auf einen Immobilienmakler.
Ein Makler der Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH hilft Ihnen, den Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie erfolgreich zu gestalten. Wie macht er das?
Er kennt:
- die örtliche Marktsituation
- weiß welche Vermarktungsstrategien für verschiedene Objekte funktionieren
- begleitet Sie während des gesamten Verkaufsprozesses von der Bewertung Ihrer Immobilie bis hin zur Vertragsunterzeichnung and Schlüsselübergabe.
Individuelle Beratung
Wir nehmen uns Zeit für Sie.
Lange bevor wir mit dem Verkauf beginnen, ist das Wichtigste, dass wir zusammen mit Ihnen die Verkaufsunterlagen zusammenstellen und alle Einzelheiten des Verkaufs Schritt für Schritt mit Ihnen besprechen.
Wir nehmen Ihre Ängste, Einwände oder Unsicherheiten ernst, besprechen Sie mit Ihnen und nehmen Sie Ihnen letztendlich ab. Transparenz ist uns sehr wichtig, daher versuchen wir Ihnen genügend Zeit einzuräumen und Sie in der für Sie richtigen Entscheidung zu bestärken. Wir sprechen offenen über anfallende und eventuelle Kosten mit Ihnen. Eventuelle Risiken nehmen wir sehr ernst, denn wir wollen dass der Verkäufer und der Käufer nach dem Notartermin zufrieden und ohne Kummer den Verkauf/Kauf genießen können.
Vorbereitung des Immobilienverkaufs
Ein Immobilienverkauf beginnt mit der Bestimmung des richtigen Immobilienpreises. Dies wird Ihnen als Eigentümer besonders schwer fallen, da Sie einen emotionalen Bezug zur Immobilie haben. Wir versuchen Ihre Immobilie genauso wertzuschätzen wie Sie das tun, können aber objektiver agieren, da der richtige Verkaufspreis entscheidend dafür ist, ob das Objekt schnell verkauft wird oder als Ladenhüter im Schaufenster stehen bleibt.
Zur Tätigkeit eines Maklers gehört es marktgerechte Immobilienbewertungen anhand des Bodenrichtwertes und Verkehrswertes zu erstellen. Dank seiner Markterfahrung kann so ein realistischer Verkaufspreis für den Immobilienverkauf gefunden werden.
Weiterhin besorgt der Immobilienmakler für Sie alle für den Verkauf benötigten Unterlagen, wie einen aktuellen Grundbuchauszug, den genehmigten Bebauungsplan, einen Lageplan und den gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Energieausweis. Außerdem können wir Sie in einigen rechtlichen Fragen beraten, was Sie beispielsweise beim Verkauf einer vermieteten Immobilie oder im Falle einer Erbengemeinschaft beachten müssen. In den Bereichen in denen wir Sie nicht beraten dürfen, werden wir sie an einen fachkundigen Anwalt verweisen.
Durchführung von Besichtigungen
Besonders viel Zeit nehmen Besichtigungstermine in Anspruch. Die Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH vereinbart Besichtigungen und koordiniert diese. Wir sind den Umgang mit Interessenten gewohnt und wissen, welche Rückfragen oftmals gestellt werden, welche Probleme eventuell auftreten können. Genau deshalb können wir uns entsprechend darauf vorbereiten und die Immobilie gut präsentieren.
Bonitätsprüfung, Kaufvertrag und Übergabe
Auch wenn ein geeigneter Käufer oder Mieter gefunden ist, steht Ihnen der Immobilienmakler beratend zur Seite. Er prüft die Bonität des Interessenten und führt zudem die Verkaufsverhandlungen. Zuletzt prüfen wir den Kaufvertrag, achten auf jedes Detail und sind bei der Unterzeichnung dabei. Obwohl der Vertrag von einem Notar aufgesetzt und auf seine rechtliche Legitimation geprüft wird, übernimmt der Makler inhaltlich die Verantwortung. Nach Unterzeichnung des Vertrages führen wir die Übergabe durch und erstellen selbstverständlich ein Übergabeprotokoll, das den Zustand Ihrer Immobilie dokumentiert.
7 good reasons for us as your real estate agent
There are many allegedly reputable real estate agencies. But „Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH“ is one of a kind. With our elaborate strategies, the widespread network and the teams´ know-how we offer you the best on-site service. We love to support you in finding the best property to buy or in selling your property. We will give you 7 deciding reasons that „Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH“ is the logic choice for your property.
1. We are experts
As professional realtors with over 25 years of experience we know our market. We are acquainted with the communities better than anybody else. Therefore, we always look after you fairly, openly and transparently according to our sales concept.
2. We make clients happy
We do not like to brag about successfully brokered objects – but we are very proud of our satisfied and long-standing customer relationships. See for yourself under „references“.
3. We are owner-operated
Top level support for you, because Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH was, is and always will be owner-operated. This gives us enough freedom to acquire new properties, to realize projects with enthusiasm and, ultimately, to offer our customers the best possible service.
4. We are a team
Behind every successful owner, there is a great team. To make sure it stays that way, we regularly offer training and continuing education. These include Dekra training as well as advanced and postgraduate trainings of the Chamber of Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria. This way, we can steadily score with the best service and competent advice. You are interested in joining our team? Find out about current vacancies under "Career".
5. Our partners are loyal and faithful
Whether civil engineers, surveyors or painters - we have the best local partners for your property on hand. In addition, we will be happy to provide you with help and advice, for example, when it comes to renovations, removing construction defects or obtaining cost estimates. This way, you benefit from our expertise and our partner network.
6. We show responsibility
As reputable advisors in all fields of real estate we consider your requests and concerns in every detail. Only this way can we guarantee a smooth process. In doing so, the realistic valuation of the real estate is also close to our heart. We do not want to drive up the price of properties in our area and are concerned for the local people. Want to find out more about what else is close to our hearts? Click here.
7. We stay tuned
As a member of the IVD – a strong community for international members - and other renowned associations, we had to pass comprehensive entrance exams and undergo regular training. A liability insurance for financial losses not only protects us, but ultimately also you. Our many awards show in which other associations we are also represented and what really matters in the serious brokerage business.
As a seller you will receive a comprehensive marketing- and service package from us
in order that your property will be sold fast and at the best price attainable.
Our sales concept includes:
- Usage of the leading real estate portals
- Advertisement with our own powerful homepage
- Participation in regional building- and real estate fairs.
- Creation of an exposé
- Creation of a valuation report
- Marketing- and activity plan with timeline definition
- Creation of a sales probability analysis
- Tips for the perfect presentation
- Use of our nationwide broker-network
Additionally you will receive comprehensive consultation and recommendations for:
- Renovations
- Elimination of construction defects
- Repairs of aestethic defects
- Obtaining cost estimates
- Finding suitable craftsmen
To strengthen our team, we are looking for freelancers and/or employees who are familiar with the industry and enjoy working independently and creatively. Does this apply to you? Then, please send your complete application to:
Self-employed broker / brokeress
We show responsibility
When we look beyond our own backyard, we quickly realize how well we are doing. That's why we not only act responsibly with our real estate, but also support various charitable projects and associations. Here you can find out more about the good causes we support:
Animal welfare for dogs in need
Madrigueras e.V.
Animal Protection with heart and mind - This is the goal of the non-profit organization "Madrigueras e.V.", which successfully places dogs in need from Spain with German families. We appreciate the commitment of the animal welfare activists and are happy to contribute financially. More info and dogs to adopt. Check out their website.
Bavarian Red Cross
As a the leading aid- and rescue organisation in Bavaria, the Bavarian Red Cross helps in many places. Whether it is dementia-care, rescue service or ambulatory care:
The Kreisverband Miesbach counts more than 1.100 volunteers, whose valuable work we greatly appreciate and are happy to support financially.
SOS Children's Villages
For about 15 years, Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH has been supporting children, families and villages in need. We strive to see the bigger picture in everything and in our opinion the future lies with the children..
You can find more info here: SOS Children's Villages worldwide
Little patients in need
Wholeheartedly, as well as financially we support the non-profit organisation Verein Kleine Patienten in Not e.V.The dedicated parents are committed to the professional treatment of children in emergency and exceptional situations. With their "comfort bear Benny" they ensure that rescue services are equipped in a way that is suitable for children. Extensive educational work also raises awareness among rescue personnel and parents about how to deal with children in emergency situations.
Children's Aid Eckental
The goals of Kinderhilfe Eckental GmbH are the promotion of youth welfare, public health and education. This purpose is realised in particular by equipping public or non-profit hospitals and rescue services with so-called "comfort bears", organizing "clown visits" in public or non-profit hospitals, supporting children's homes and children's hospices with "materials" (e.g. books, learning aids, toys and handicraft materials). We are very happy to support this with financial means.
We are excellent
Our work as a professional broker is - since 2006 - regularly assessed with quality seals and international awards. We are proud to be listed with well-known associations and magazines. Here you can find out which ones:
Premium Partner Immobilienscout24
Award for many years of experience, special commitment to customers, as well as above-average customer ratings. The annual PremiumPartner award is presented to real estate professionals who clearly stand out in direct comparison with their competitors on the basis of various criteria. (Source: Immobilienscout24)
immowelt Premium Partner
Since 2019, we are now also a Premium Partner of Immowelt AG, one of the largest operator of real estate portals in Europe. We use the CRM software "Estate Pro", which was designed by IT specialists of the Immowelt Group and have been working together successfully for many years .
Partner IVD Market Research
For many years we have been supporting the IVD, one of the largest business associations in the housing and real estate industry, as market reporter with facts and figures for the Tegernsee Valley and surrounding area. Twice a year, the IVD's market research institute publishes market reports and price reviews. In addition, various publications analyse different real estate markets in large and medium-sized cities as well as in rural districts. Now we have been awarded the partner seal "IVD Market Research 2024" as market researchers.
IVD Certificate of Honor
2021 we received the IVD certificate of honor for 15 years of membership in the German Real Estate Association IVD Bundesverband der Immobilienberater, Makler, Verwalter und Sachverständigen e.V. (Federal Association of Real Estate Consultants, Brokers, Managers and Experts) We are particularly proud of this and look forward to many more years of successful cooperation!
The best real estate agents - awarded by BELLEVUE
Since 2006, BELLEVUE has been awarding the BELLEVUE BEST PROPERTY AGENTS quality seal to recommendable real estate companies from all over the world. As the only independent seal of quality in the real estate services industry, the BELLEVUE BEST PROPERTY AGENTS award enjoys a considerable reputation - both nationally and internationally. BELLEVUE BEST PROPERTY AGENTS are brokerage companies with excellent service and proven expertise and market knowledge that are evaluated annually by an independent jury.
Since 2006, Immobilienwelt has also been one of the premium partners here.
We are a member of
Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Federal Association of German Real Estate Consultants, Brokers, Managers and Experts must successfully pass a final examination and provide proof of professional liability. We have been a member for over 15 years and regularly attend workshops and meetings in order to deepen our broad knowledge and to always be up to date.
As a global network of real estate professionals, FIABCI offers us the opportunity to expand our expertise, exchange information and conduct business on an international level. Sounds exciting? Here you will find more information.
European Association of Real Estate Professions CEPI-CEI
In 2016, the two European real estate associations CEI and CEPI merged to form the European Association of Real Estate Professions CEPI-CEI, based in Brussels. More than 300,000 brokers and managers from over 30 national associations are organized in the association. It is thus the largest representation of interests for service-providing professions in the real estate industry.
Only the best brokers can convince
August 30, 2023
There are a large number of extremely customer-oriented, transparent and committed brokers on the German market. In order to highlight their exemplary performance and make it recognisable to consumers, DtGV regularly conducts comprehensive, objective service tests. Real estate agents with good results can signal their performance to existing clients and new clients with the DtGV test seal "Outstanding Broker".
Service, transparency and regional commitment at the forefront of the audit
The audit is based on performance in the areas of service, digital offering, transparency and quality. In addition, the aspect of regional commitment is considered in the audit of local brokers.
- Service: How extensive are the services? What digital services are offered? Are the brokers easy to reach by phone and email? Are the test customers treated in a friendly and courteous manner? (45% of the total value)
- Transparency & Quality: How transparent are the website and exposés? Do the brokerage contracts used contain all necessary and no illegal clauses? What qualifications do the employed brokers have? (50% of the total value)
- Social/regional commitment: How are the brokers positioned with regard to sponsoring and supporting regional associations and projects? Do they also support social and/or environmental projects abroad? (5% of the total value)
The seal of quality in the real estate industry: Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH from Rottach-Egern named "BELLEVUE BEST PROPERTY AGENT 2024
Hamburg, January 2024
Since 2006, BELLEVUE - Europe's largest real estate magazine - has been awarding the BELLEVUE BEST PROPERTY AGENTS quality seal to recommendable real estate companies from all over the world. The award is considered the only independent seal of quality in the real estate service provider sector, enjoys a considerable reputation worldwide and is regarded by many as the "Oscar of the real estate industry".
What characterizes a good broker? Every year, a six-member jury of lawyers, journalists and renowned professionals from the real estate industry reviews which companies meet the assessment criteria and receive the award. The assessment criteria are seriousness, experience, expertise, objective advice, market knowledge, an attractive portfolio, a comprehensive range of services and reliability.
One of the best real estate companies to receive the coveted seal in 2024 is Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH from Rottach-Egern.
Wolfgang Bötsch, Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH: »We are honored that our company was once again awarded BELLEVUE BEST PROPERTY AGENT in 2024. It is a recognition of our sustained successful work, our expertise and our special customer service.«
Contact to the real estate company:
Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH
Südliche Hauptstraße 7, 83700 Rottach-Egern
Phone: 08022-24081
BELLEVUE has been established as Europe's largest real estate magazine since 1990 and operates the real estate portal of the same name, Every two months, the high-quality magazine offers in-depth reports on national and international real estate markets - reliably researched by experienced journalists. BELLEVUE is a respected authority in the industry and a valuable guide for anyone interested in real estate. Since 2020, you can also read BELLEVUE via online kiosks such as readly, read it or sharemagazines.
Contact: BELLEVUE Media GmbH | Mittelweg 22 | 20148 Hamburg
Tel. +49 (0)40 593 62 50 50 | E-Mail: |
Our awards and memberships






Announcements and news
kündigungen und Neuigkeiten
Here you will find the latest news
as well as advance notices of our planned projects.

Rarität: Denkmalgeschütztes Bauernhaus in Rottach-Egern
Eines der ältesten Anwesen des Tegernseer Tals: Das historische und teils unter Denkmalschutz stehende Bauernhaus wurde erstmals 1111 erwähnt. In 2017 wurde das gesamte Objekt

Luxury Apartment at Lake Tegernsee
Beeindruckende Natur vor dem Haus und hochwertige, natürliche Materialien im Innern. In dieser Luxuswohnung sitzen Sie am Morgen auf Ihrer Terrasse und genießen den ersten

Pre-Announcement - Two exclusive Country Homes in
The property is located in an absolutely quiet location with unobstructed mountain views, only a few hundred meters from the center of Rottach-Egern. This is where two exclusive country houses are being built with a total of five apartments in high-quality design and with luxurious furnishings.

Rarität: Denkmalgeschütztes Bauernhaus in Rottach-Egern
Eines der ältesten Anwesen des Tegernseer Tals: Das historische und teils unter Denkmalschutz stehende Bauernhaus wurde erstmals 1111 erwähnt. In 2017 wurde das gesamte Objekt

Luxury Apartment at Lake Tegernsee
Beeindruckende Natur vor dem Haus und hochwertige, natürliche Materialien im Innern. In dieser Luxuswohnung sitzen Sie am Morgen auf Ihrer Terrasse und genießen den ersten

Pre-Announcement - Two exclusive Country Homes in
The property is located in an absolutely quiet location with unobstructed mountain views, only a few hundred meters from the center of Rottach-Egern. This is where two exclusive country houses are being built with a total of five apartments in high-quality design and with luxurious furnishings.