Your  Real Estate Agent   at the Tegernsee

- Specializing in Luxury Properties - 

The " "Rehage & Part­ner GmbH" was foun­ded by Mrs. Rehage in Rottach-Egern on June 1st 1993 and worked its way up to having a repu­ta­tion as solid and respon­si­ble brokerage firm.

On Janu­ary 27th 1999, Wolf­gang Boetsch acce­ded to this company and rena­med it to "Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH" on June 26th 2003.

The acqui­si­tion of the company was follo­wed by partly vola­tile years. They were charac­te­ri­zed by partly rapid upswings, but also calmer and more diffi­cult times. The resul­ting wealth of expe­ri­ence is the basis of the success des Unternehmens.

The "Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH has grown during this time through flexi­ble adjus­t­ments to the busi­ness model and has been able to main­tain its repu­ta­tion as a respon­si­ble and successful brokerage firm.

The past "booming" years have also left nega­tive marks in the Tegern­see area. By picking well-chosen objects, we as company did not take part in this trend.

In the future, we will go one step further and actively help to keep our area as beau­tiful as it is.

For this reason, we adapted our busi­ness concept to focus even more than before on cons­truc­tion projects and reno­va­tions that empha­size the beauty of our land­scape and preserve the Tegern­see Valley as a pearl in the Alpine foot​hills​.To this end, we want to rely first and fore­most on the quality and know­ledge of our local archi­tects and craftsmen..

We are looking forward to welco­ming you as one of our happy clients.
Wolf­gang Boetsch and his team of Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH

Your real estate agent
at tegernsee


The " "Rehage & Part­ner GmbH" was foun­ded by Mrs. Rehage in Rottach-Egern on June 1st 1993 and worked its way up to having a repu­ta­tion as solid and respon­si­ble brokerage firm.

On Janu­ary 27th 1999, Wolf­gang Boetsch acce­ded to this company and rena­med it to "Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH" on June 26th 2003.

The acqui­si­tion of the company was follo­wed by partly vola­tile years. They were charac­te­ri­zed by partly rapid upswings, but also calmer and more diffi­cult times. The resul­ting wealth of expe­ri­ence is the basis of the success of the company, which conti­nues to this day under the leader­ship of Wolf­gang Boetsch.

The "Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH has grown during this time through flexi­ble adjus­t­ments to the busi­ness model and has been able to main­tain its repu­ta­tion as a respon­si­ble and successful brokerage firm.

The past "booming" years have also left nega­tive marks in the Tegern­see area. By picking well-chosen objects, we as company did not take part in this trend.

In the future, we will go one step further and actively help to keep our area as beau­tiful as it is.


For this reason, we adapted our busi­ness concept to focus even more than before on cons­truc­tion projects and reno­va­tions that empha­size the beauty of our land­scape and preserve the Tegern­see Valley as a pearl in the Alpine foot​hills​.To this end, we want to rely first and fore­most on the quality and know­ledge of our local archi­tects and craftsmen..

We are looking forward to welco­ming you as one of our happy clients.
Wolf­gang Boetsch and his team of Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH

About us

Die Vermie­tung oder der Verkauf einer Immo­bi­lie in Eigen­re­gie ist aufwän­dig.
Profes­sio­nelle Makler unter­stüt­zen Sie hierbei.

Die Frage, die sich die meis­ten Eigen­tü­mer stel­len, ist: „Was macht eigent­lich ein Makler, um bei dem Verkauf der Immo­bi­lie zu helfen?“

Wir zeigen Ihnen die viel­fäl­ti­gen Aufga­ben in unse­rem Geschäfts­all­tag eines Maklers auf und warum es sich lohnt einen profes­sio­nel­len Anbie­ter zu beauf­tra­gen.
Diese Aufga­ben über­nimmt ein Makler der Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner für Sie:

  • Wir ermit­teln einen markt­ge­rech­ten und ange­mes­se­nen Angebotspreis
  • Wir helfen Ihnen Verkaufs­un­ter­la­gen zusam­men­zu­stel­len und kümmern uns darum, dass die Unter­la­gen sauber und komplett geord­net sind.
  • Wir über­neh­men sämt­li­che Werbe­maß­nah­men und –kosten und inse­rie­ren nicht nur auf den Standardwerbekanälen
  • Wir selek­tie­ren Inter­es­sen­ten für Sie und helfen Ihnen, den rich­ti­gen Käufer zu finden
  • Wir berei­ten den Kauf­ver­trag vor und koor­di­nie­ren Notar­ter­mine
  • In den meis­ten Fällen erzie­len wir als Immo­bi­li­en­mak­ler gegen­über Privat­leu­ten einen höhe­ren Verkaufs­preis, aufgrund der Erfah­rung im Verkauf von Immo­bi­lien, der Orts­kunde und des Kundenstamms
  • Wir können Sie in vielen Berei­chen bera­ten, die uns der gesetz­li­che Rahmen erlaubt
  • Wir verwei­sen zu einer vertrau­ens­wür­di­gen Rechts­be­ra­tung, wenn der Bera­tungs­rah­men des Maklers erschöpft ist
  • Wir erstel­len ein aussa­ge­kräf­ti­ges Exposé und nehmen Rück­sicht auf ihre Wünsche und Bedenken
  • Wir koor­di­nie­ren und führen Besich­ti­gungs­ter­mine durch und verkau­fen oder vermie­ten Ihr Objekt schnellst­mög­lich und zum best­mög­li­chen Preis
  • Wir über­prü­fen die Kredit­wür­dig­keit des Käufers oder Mieters
  • Wir können für Sie die Über­gabe mit den neuen Besit­zern oder Mietern durch­füh­ren, werden aber in jedem Fall mit dabei sein, falls Sie die Über­gabe selber durch­füh­ren wollen.




Was spricht für einen Makler bei einem Verkauf?

Die Abwick­lung eines Immo­bi­li­en­ver­kaufs ist ein sehr viel­schich­ti­ges Verfah­ren.
Es nimmt nicht nur jede Menge Zeit in Anspruch, es erfor­dert zudem sehr viel Sorg­falt und eine bedachte und struk­tu­rierte Vorge­hens­weise. Wenn Sie sich also für den Verkauf Ihrer Immo­bi­lie entschie­den haben, müssen Sie nur noch die Entschei­dung tref­fen, ob Sie diesen in Eigen­re­gie durch­füh­ren oder einen fach­kun­di­gen Makler damit beauf­tra­gen. Da viele Immo­bi­li­en­ei­gen­tü­mer kein Risiko einge­hen wollen, vertraut mehr als die Hälfte auf einen Immobilienmakler.

Ein Makler der Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH  hilft Ihnen, den Verkauf Ihrer Immo­bi­lie erfolg­reich zu gestal­ten. Wie macht er das?

Er kennt:

  • die örtli­che Markt­si­tua­tion
  • weiß welche Vermark­tungs­stra­te­gien für verschie­dene Objekte funktionieren
  • beglei­tet Sie während des gesam­ten Verkaufs­pro­zes­ses von der Bewer­tung Ihrer Immo­bi­lie bis hin zur Vertrags­un­ter­zeich­nung and Schlüs­sel­über­gabe.


Indi­vi­du­elle Beratung

Wir nehmen uns Zeit für Sie.

Lange bevor wir mit dem Verkauf begin­nen, ist das Wich­tigste, dass wir zusam­men mit Ihnen die Verkaufs­un­ter­la­gen zusam­men­stel­len und alle Einzel­hei­ten des Verkaufs Schritt für Schritt mit Ihnen bespre­chen.
Wir nehmen Ihre Ängste, Einwände oder Unsi­cher­hei­ten ernst, bespre­chen Sie mit Ihnen und nehmen Sie Ihnen letzt­end­lich ab. Trans­pa­renz ist uns sehr wich­tig, daher versu­chen wir Ihnen genü­gend Zeit einzu­räu­men und Sie in der für Sie rich­ti­gen Entschei­dung zu bestär­ken. Wir spre­chen offe­nen über anfal­lende und even­tu­elle Kosten mit Ihnen. Even­tu­elle Risi­ken nehmen wir sehr ernst, denn wir wollen dass der Verkäu­fer und der Käufer nach dem Notar­ter­min zufrie­den und ohne Kummer den Verkauf/​Kauf genie­ßen können.

Vorbe­rei­tung des Immobilienverkaufs

Ein Immo­bi­li­en­ver­kauf beginnt mit der Bestim­mung des rich­ti­gen Immo­bi­li­en­prei­ses. Dies wird Ihnen als Eigen­tü­mer beson­ders schwer fallen, da Sie einen emotio­na­len Bezug zur Immo­bi­lie haben. Wir versu­chen Ihre Immo­bi­lie genauso wert­zu­schät­zen wie Sie das tun, können aber objek­ti­ver agie­ren, da der rich­tige Verkaufs­preis entschei­dend dafür ist, ob das Objekt schnell verkauft wird oder als Laden­hü­ter im Schau­fens­ter stehen bleibt.

Zur Tätig­keit eines Maklers gehört es markt­ge­rechte Immo­bi­li­en­be­wer­tun­gen anhand des Boden­richt­wer­tes und Verkehrs­wer­tes zu erstel­len. Dank seiner Markt­er­fah­rung kann so ein realis­ti­scher Verkaufs­preis für den Immo­bi­li­en­ver­kauf gefun­den werden.

Weiter­hin besorgt der Immo­bi­li­en­mak­ler für Sie alle für den Verkauf benö­tig­ten Unter­la­gen, wie einen aktu­el­len Grund­buch­aus­zug, den geneh­mig­ten Bebau­ungs­plan, einen Lage­plan und den gesetz­lich vorge­schrie­be­nen Ener­gie­aus­weis. Außer­dem können wir Sie in eini­gen recht­li­chen Fragen bera­ten, was Sie beispiels­weise beim Verkauf einer vermie­te­ten Immo­bi­lie oder im Falle einer Erben­ge­mein­schaft beach­ten müssen. In den Berei­chen in denen wir Sie nicht bera­ten dürfen, werden wir sie an einen fach­kun­di­gen Anwalt verweisen.

Durch­füh­rung von Besichtigungen

Beson­ders viel Zeit nehmen Besich­ti­gungs­ter­mine in Anspruch. Die Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH verein­bart Besich­ti­gun­gen und koor­di­niert diese. Wir sind den Umgang mit Inter­es­sen­ten gewohnt und wissen, welche Rück­fra­gen oftmals gestellt werden, welche Probleme even­tu­ell auftre­ten können. Genau deshalb können wir uns entspre­chend darauf vorbe­rei­ten und die Immo­bi­lie gut präsentieren.



Boni­täts­prü­fung, Kauf­ver­trag und Übergabe

Auch wenn ein geeig­ne­ter Käufer oder Mieter gefun­den ist, steht Ihnen der Immo­bi­li­en­mak­ler bera­tend zur Seite. Er prüft die Boni­tät des Inter­es­sen­ten und führt zudem die Verkaufs­ver­hand­lun­gen. Zuletzt prüfen wir den Kauf­ver­trag, achten auf jedes Detail und sind bei der Unter­zeich­nung dabei. Obwohl der Vertrag von einem Notar aufge­setzt und auf seine recht­li­che Legi­ti­ma­tion geprüft wird, über­nimmt der Makler inhalt­lich die Verant­wor­tung. Nach Unter­zeich­nung des Vertra­ges führen wir die Über­gabe durch und erstel­len selbst­ver­ständ­lich ein Über­ga­be­pro­to­koll, das den Zustand Ihrer Immo­bi­lie dokumentiert.

7 good reasons for us as your real estate agent

There are many alle­gedly repu­ta­ble real estate agen­cies. But „Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH“ is one of a kind. With our elabo­rate stra­te­gies, the wide­spread network and the teams´ know-how we offer you the best on-site service. We love to support you in finding the best property to buy or in selling your property. We will give you 7 deci­ding reasons that „Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH“ is the logic choice for your property.


1. We are experts
As profes­sio­nal real­tors with over 25 years of expe­ri­ence we know our market. We are acquain­ted with the commu­ni­ties better than anybody else. Ther­e­fore, we always look after you fairly, openly and trans­par­ently accor­ding to our sales concept.

2. We make clients happy
We do not like to brag about successfully broke­red objects – but we are very proud of our satis­fied and long-stan­ding custo­mer rela­ti­onships. See for yours­elf under „refe­ren­ces“.

3. We are owner-opera­ted
Top level support for you, because Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH was, is and always will be owner-opera­ted. This gives us enough free­dom to acquire new proper­ties, to realize projects with enthu­si­asm and, ulti­m­ately, to offer our custo­mers the best possi­ble service.

4. We are a team
Behind every successful owner, there is a great team. To make sure it stays that way, we regu­larly offer trai­ning and conti­nuing educa­tion. These include Dekra trai­ning as well as advan­ced and post­gra­duate trai­nings of the Cham­ber of Commerce for Munich and Upper Bava­ria. This way, we can steadily score with the best service and compe­tent advice. You are inte­res­ted in joining our team? Find out about current vacan­cies under "Career".

5. Our part­ners are loyal and faithful
Whether civil engi­neers, survey­ors or pain­ters - we have the best local part­ners for your property on hand. In addi­tion, we will be happy to provide you with help and advice, for exam­ple, when it comes to reno­va­tions, remo­ving cons­truc­tion defects or obtai­ning cost esti­ma­tes. This way, you bene­fit from our exper­tise and our part­ner network.

6. We show respon­si­bi­lity
As repu­ta­ble advi­sors in all fields of real estate we consider your requests and concerns in every detail. Only this way can we guaran­tee a smooth process. In doing so, the reali­stic valua­tion of the real estate is also close to our heart. We do not want to drive up the price of proper­ties in our area and are concer­ned for the local people. Want to find out more about what else is close to our hearts? Click here.

7. We stay tuned
As a member of the IVD – a strong commu­nity for inter­na­tio­nal members - and other renow­ned asso­cia­ti­ons, we had to pass compre­hen­sive entrance exams and undergo regu­lar trai­ning. A liabi­lity insu­rance for finan­cial losses not only protects us, but ulti­m­ately also you. Our many awards show in which other asso­cia­ti­ons we are also repre­sen­ted and what really matters in the serious brokerage business.


As a seller you will receive a compre­hen­sive marke­ting- and service package from us
in order that your property will be sold fast and at the best price attainable.

Our sales concept includes:

  • Usage of the leading real estate portals
  • Adver­ti­se­ment with our own powerful homepage
  • Parti­ci­pa­tion in regio­nal buil­ding- and real estate fairs.
  • Crea­tion of an exposé
  • Crea­tion of a valua­tion report
  • Marke­ting- and acti­vity plan with time­line definition
  • Crea­tion of a sales proba­bi­lity analysis
  • Tips for the perfect presentation
  • Use of our nati­on­wide broker-network 


Addi­tio­nally you will receive compre­hen­sive consul­ta­tion and recom­men­da­ti­ons for:

  • Reno­va­tions
  • Elimi­na­tion of cons­truc­tion defects
  • Repairs of aest­ethic defects
  • Obtai­ning cost estimates
  • Finding suita­ble craftsmen 


To streng­then our team, we are looking for free­lan­cers and/​or employees who are fami­liar with the indus­try and enjoy working inde­pendently and crea­tively. Does this apply to you? Then, please send your complete appli­ca­tion to: karriere@​immobilienwelt.​com

Self-employed broker / brokeress


Über Uns - Karriere

We show respon­si­bi­lity

When we look beyond our own back­yard, we quickly realize how well we are doing. That's why we not only act respon­si­bly with our real estate, but also support various chari­ta­ble projects and asso­cia­ti­ons. Here you can find out more about the good causes we support:

Animal welfare for dogs in need
Madri­gue­ras e.V.


Animal Protec­tion with heart and mind - This is the goal of the non-profit orga­niza­tion "Madri­gue­ras e.V.", which successfully places dogs in need from Spain with German fami­lies. We appre­ciate the commit­ment of the animal welfare acti­vists and are happy to contri­bute finan­ci­ally. More info and dogs to adopt. Check out their website.

Bava­rian Red Cross


As a the leading aid- and rescue orga­ni­sa­tion in Bava­ria, the Bava­rian Red Cross helps in many places. Whether it is demen­tia-care, rescue service or ambu­la­tory care:
The Kreis­ver­band Mies­bach counts more than 1.100 volun­teers, whose valuable work we greatly appre­ciate and are happy to support financially.

SOS Children's Villages


For about 15 years, Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH has been support­ing child­ren, fami­lies and villa­ges in need. We strive to see the bigger picture in ever­y­thing and in our opinion the future lies with the child­ren..

You can find more info here: SOS Children's Villa­ges worldwide

Little pati­ents in need


Whole­he­ar­tedly, as well as finan­ci­ally we support the non-profit orga­ni­sa­tion Verein Kleine Pati­en­ten in Not e.V.The dedi­ca­ted parents are commit­ted to the profes­sio­nal treat­ment of child­ren in emer­gency and excep­tio­nal situa­tions. With their "comfort bear Benny" they ensure that rescue services are equip­ped in a way that is suita­ble for child­ren. Exten­sive educa­tio­nal work also raises aware­ness among rescue person­nel and parents about how to deal with child­ren in emer­gency situations.

Children's Aid Eckental


The goals of Kinder­hilfe Ecken­tal GmbH are the promo­tion of youth welfare, public health and educa­tion. This purpose is reali­sed in parti­cu­lar by equip­ping public or non-profit hospi­tals and rescue services with so-called "comfort bears", orga­ni­zing "clown visits" in public or non-profit hospi­tals, support­ing children's homes and children's hospi­ces with "mate­ri­als" (e.g. books, lear­ning aids, toys and handi­craft mate­ri­als). We are very happy to support this with finan­cial means.

We are excellent



Our work as a profes­sio­nal broker is - since 2006 - regu­larly asses­sed with quality seals and inter­na­tio­nal awards. We are proud to be listed with well-known asso­cia­ti­ons and maga­zi­nes. Here you can find out which ones:

Premium Part­ner Immobilienscout24


Award for many years of expe­ri­ence, special commit­ment to custo­mers, as well as above-average custo­mer ratings. The annual Premi­um­Part­ner award is presen­ted to real estate profes­sio­nals who clearly stand out in direct compa­ri­son with their compe­ti­tors on the basis of various crite­ria. (Source: Immobilienscout24)


immo­welt Premium Partner


Since 2019, we are now also a Premium Part­ner of Immo­welt AG, one of the largest opera­tor of real estate portals in Europe. We use the CRM soft­ware "Estate Pro", which was desi­gned by IT specia­lists of the Immo­welt Group and have been working toge­ther successfully for many years .

Part­ner IVD Market Research

For many years we have been support­ing the IVD, one of the largest busi­ness asso­cia­ti­ons in the housing and real estate indus­try, as market repor­ter with facts and figu­res for the Tegern­see Valley and surroun­ding area. Twice a year, the IVD's market rese­arch insti­tute publishes market reports and price reviews. In addi­tion, various publi­ca­ti­ons analyse diffe­rent real estate markets in large and medium-sized cities as well as in rural districts. Now we have been awarded the part­ner seal "IVD Market Rese­arch 2024" as market researchers.

IVD Certi­fi­cate of Honor

IVD Ehrenurkunde 2021

2021 we recei­ved the IVD certi­fi­cate of honor for 15 years of member­ship in the German Real Estate Asso­cia­tion IVD Bundes­ver­band der Immo­bi­li­en­be­ra­ter, Makler, Verwal­ter und Sach­ver­stän­di­gen e.V. (Fede­ral Asso­cia­tion of Real Estate Consul­tants, Brokers, Mana­gers and Experts) We are parti­cu­larly proud of this and look forward to many more years of successful cooperation!

The best real estate agents - awarded by BELLEVUE

Since 2006, BELLE­VUE has been awar­ding the BELLE­VUE BEST PROPERTY AGENTS quality seal to recom­men­da­ble real estate compa­nies from all over the world. As the only inde­pen­dent seal of quality in the real estate services indus­try, the BELLE­VUE BEST PROPERTY AGENTS award enjoys a considera­ble repu­ta­tion - both natio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally. BELLE­VUE BEST PROPERTY AGENTS are brokerage compa­nies with excel­lent service and proven exper­tise and market know­ledge that are evalua­ted annu­ally by an inde­pen­dent jury.
Since 2006, Immo­bi­li­en­welt has also been one of the premium part­ners here.

We are a member of



Anyone inte­res­ted in beco­ming a member of the Fede­ral Asso­cia­tion of German Real Estate Consul­tants, Brokers, Mana­gers and Experts must successfully pass a final exami­na­tion and provide proof of profes­sio­nal liabi­lity. We have been a member for over 15 years and regu­larly attend work­shops and meetings in order to deepen our broad know­ledge and to always be up to date.



As a global network of real estate profes­sio­nals, FIABCI offers us the oppor­tu­nity to expand our exper­tise, exch­ange infor­ma­tion and conduct busi­ness on an inter­na­tio­nal level. Sounds exci­ting? Here you will find more information.

Euro­pean Asso­cia­tion of Real Estate Profes­si­ons CEPI-CEI


In 2016, the two Euro­pean real estate asso­cia­ti­ons CEI and CEPI merged to form the Euro­pean Asso­cia­tion of Real Estate Profes­si­ons CEPI-CEI, based in Brussels. More than 300,000 brokers and mana­gers from over 30 natio­nal asso­cia­ti­ons are orga­ni­zed in the asso­cia­tion. It is thus the largest repre­sen­ta­tion of inte­rests for service-provi­ding profes­si­ons in the real estate industry.

GraphicDe­sign Nicole Krell

GrafikDesign Nicole Krell

Join­ery Decker GmbH


IVD market research

Immo­welt Premium Partner




Only the best brokers can convince
August 30, 2023


There are a large number of extre­mely custo­mer-orien­ted, trans­pa­rent and commit­ted brokers on the German market. In order to high­light their exem­plary perfor­mance and make it reco­g­nisable to consu­mers, DtGV regu­larly conducts compre­hen­sive, objec­tive service tests. Real estate agents with good results can signal their perfor­mance to exis­ting clients and new clients with the DtGV test seal "Outstan­ding Broker". 


Service, trans­pa­rency and regio­nal commit­ment at the fore­front of the audit


The audit is based on perfor­mance in the areas of service, digi­tal offe­ring, trans­pa­rency and quality. In addi­tion, the aspect of regio­nal commit­ment is conside­red in the audit of local brokers.

  1. Service:  How exten­sive are the services? What digi­tal services are offe­red? Are the brokers easy to reach by phone and email? Are the test custo­mers trea­ted in a friendly and cour­teous manner? (45% of the total value)
  2. Trans­pa­rency & Quality: How trans­pa­rent are the website and expo­sés? Do the brokerage contracts used contain all neces­sary and no ille­gal clau­ses? What quali­fi­ca­ti­ons do the employed brokers have? (50% of the total value)
  3. Social/​regional commit­ment: How are the brokers posi­tio­ned with regard to spon­so­ring and support­ing regio­nal asso­cia­ti­ons and projects? Do they also support social and/​or envi­ron­men­tal projects abroad? (5% of the total value)


The seal of quality in the real estate indus­try: Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH from Rottach-Egern named "BELLE­VUE BEST PROPERTY AGENT 2024

Hamburg, Janu­ary 2024

Since 2006, BELLE­VUE - Europe's largest real estate maga­zine - has been awar­ding the BELLE­VUE BEST PROPERTY AGENTS quality seal to recom­men­da­ble real estate compa­nies from all over the world. The award is conside­red the only inde­pen­dent seal of quality in the real estate service provi­der sector, enjoys a considera­ble repu­ta­tion world­wide and is regarded by many as the "Oscar of the real estate indus­try".

What charac­te­ri­zes a good broker? Every year, a six-member jury of lawy­ers, jour­na­lists and renow­ned profes­sio­nals from the real estate indus­try reviews which compa­nies meet the assess­ment crite­ria and receive the award. The assess­ment crite­ria are serious­ness, expe­ri­ence, exper­tise, objec­tive advice, market know­ledge, an attrac­tive port­fo­lio, a compre­hen­sive range of services and reliability.

One of the best real estate compa­nies to receive the cove­ted seal in 2024 is Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH from Rottach-Egern.

Wolf­gang Bötsch, Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH: »We are hono­red that our company was once again awarded BELLE­VUE BEST PROPERTY AGENT in 2024. It is a reco­gni­tion of our sustained successful work, our exper­tise and our special custo­mer service.«

Cont­act to the real estate company:
Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH 
Südli­che Haupt­straße 7, 83700 Rottach-Egern
Phone: 08022-24081
E-Mail: info@​immobilienwelt.​com

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DtGV-Siegel_Herausragende Makler 2023-01

Announcements and news

kündigungen und Neuigkeiten

Here you will find the latest news
as well as advance notices of our planned projects.

Luxuriöse Villen Grünwald

Two Luxurious Villas in Grünwald/​Munich

This property, offe­red exclu­si­vely from us, is situa­ted in an abso­lut­ely quiet villa loca­tion, just a few steps away from the Grün­wald Forest. Two modern mansion villas impress with their time­l­ess elegance, combi­ned with a well thought-out, clear and aesthe­tic mate­rial and color concept. Both houses are surroun­ded by a very well-kept garden with gene­rous green areas.

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Beide Häuser-Neu_Webseite

Pre-Announcement - Two exclusive Country Homes in

The property is loca­ted in an abso­lut­ely quiet loca­tion with unob­s­truc­ted moun­tain views, only a few hundred meters from the center of Rottach-Egern. This is where two exclu­sive coun­try houses are being built with a total of five apart­ments in high-quality design and with luxu­rious furnishings.

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Luxuriöse Villen Grünwald

Two Luxurious Villas in Grünwald/​Munich

This property, offe­red exclu­si­vely from us, is situa­ted in an abso­lut­ely quiet villa loca­tion, just a few steps away from the Grün­wald Forest. Two modern mansion villas impress with their time­l­ess elegance, combi­ned with a well thought-out, clear and aesthe­tic mate­rial and color concept. Both houses are surroun­ded by a very well-kept garden with gene­rous green areas.

Read more about 
Beide Häuser-Neu_Webseite

Pre-Announcement - Two exclusive Country Homes in

The property is loca­ted in an abso­lut­ely quiet loca­tion with unob­s­truc­ted moun­tain views, only a few hundred meters from the center of Rottach-Egern. This is where two exclu­sive coun­try houses are being built with a total of five apart­ments in high-quality design and with luxu­rious furnishings.

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