Terms and Conditions


Allgemeine Geschäfts-


The brokerage order comes alre­ady into effect by the very fact that the client makes use of our acti­vity. The brokerage order ther­e­fore does not require any form. By placing the order, the client agrees to these gene­ral terms and conditions.


Upon conclu­sion of a purchase or other contract eviden­ced by us or concluded through our media­tion, the fee is earned, due and paya­ble on the day of the conclu­sion of the contract. Unless other­wise agreed in writing, the follo­wing fee rates apply: for purchase contracts 3.57% of the respec­tive purchase price incl. the appli­ca­ble statu­tory value added tax; the fee claim also arises if the acqui­si­tion of the proven object takes place in the compul­sory auction.

3 . PRior Knowledge

If the client is alre­ady aware of an object iden­ti­fied or broke­red by Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH, he is obli­ga­ted to bring this to our atten­tion in writing within three working days, disclo­sing the source of the infor­ma­tion. Other­wise, the client cannot refer to such knowledge.

4 . Prohibition of Disclosure

All infor­ma­tion, inclu­ding the object proofs by us, are inten­ded exclu­si­vely for the respec­tive client. The client under­ta­kes to treat all commu­ni­ca­ti­ons and docu­ments confi­den­ti­ally. The client is not allo­wed to pass on the object proofs and object infor­ma­tion to third parties without the express consent of the broker, which must be obtai­ned in writing before­hand. If the client viola­tes this and the third party ther­eby obta­ins a busi­ness tran­sac­tion or other econo­mic advan­tage, the client shall pay us the agreed commis­sion plus value added tax, without any proof of damage on our part being required.


Claims for dama­ges against us are excluded with the excep­tion of gross negli­gence or inten­tio­nal acts. The infor­ma­tion provi­ded by Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH regar­ding the property is based exclu­si­vely on infor­ma­tion provi­ded by third parties, namely by the seller/​landlord or by a third party commis­sio­ned by the seller/​landlord. It is expressly poin­ted out that we have not veri­fied the accu­racy of this third-party infor­ma­tion. A liabi­lity for the accu­racy and comple­ten­ess of the infor­ma­tion, which is only passed on by us, can ther­e­fore not be accepted.

6 . DUAL Activity

Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH is entit­led to act also for the respec­tive contrac­tual part­ner, against payment or free of charge.


If the broker and the client are fully quali­fied merchants within the meaning of the German Commer­cial Code, both the place of perfor­mance and the place of juris­dic­tion shall be the regis­tered office of Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH.


The object is sold/​rented by Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH on a brokerage contract. The client must inform us of direct nego­tia­ti­ons and their content without being asked. Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH is entit­led to be present at the conclu­sion of the contract and to receive a copy or tran­script of the contract and all ancil­lary agree­ments rela­ting to it, inso­far as these are of importance for the calcu­la­tion and due date of the brokerage fee.

Consu­mer infor­ma­tion on online dispute reso­lu­tion pursu­ant to §§ 36 and 37 Consu­mer Dispute Reso­lu­tion Act (VsbG) and Regu­la­tion (EU) No. 524/2013:
We do not parti­ci­pate in dispute reso­lu­tion procee­dings before a consu­mer arbi­tra­tion board.
In the event of a consu­mer dispute that has alre­ady arisen, we are obli­ga­ted pursu­ant to § 37 VsbG to hereby inform you of the compe­tent arbi­tra­tion board.
Autho­rity: Univer­sal­sch­lich­tungs­stelle des Bundes am Zentrum für Schlich­tung e.V., Straß­bur­ger Straße 8 in 77694 Kehl am Rhein,  www​.verbrau​cher​-schlich​ter​.de