Terms and Conditions
Allgemeine Geschäfts-
The brokerage order comes already into effect by the very fact that the client makes use of our activity. The brokerage order therefore does not require any form. By placing the order, the client agrees to these general terms and conditions.
Upon conclusion of a purchase or other contract evidenced by us or concluded through our mediation, the fee is earned, due and payable on the day of the conclusion of the contract. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the following fee rates apply: for purchase contracts 3.57% of the respective purchase price incl. the applicable statutory value added tax; the fee claim also arises if the acquisition of the proven object takes place in the compulsory auction.
3 . PRior Knowledge
If the client is already aware of an object identified or brokered by Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH, he is obligated to bring this to our attention in writing within three working days, disclosing the source of the information. Otherwise, the client cannot refer to such knowledge.
4 . Prohibition of Disclosure
All information, including the object proofs by us, are intended exclusively for the respective client. The client undertakes to treat all communications and documents confidentially. The client is not allowed to pass on the object proofs and object information to third parties without the express consent of the broker, which must be obtained in writing beforehand. If the client violates this and the third party thereby obtains a business transaction or other economic advantage, the client shall pay us the agreed commission plus value added tax, without any proof of damage on our part being required.
Claims for damages against us are excluded with the exception of gross negligence or intentional acts. The information provided by Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH regarding the property is based exclusively on information provided by third parties, namely by the seller/landlord or by a third party commissioned by the seller/landlord. It is expressly pointed out that we have not verified the accuracy of this third-party information. A liability for the accuracy and completeness of the information, which is only passed on by us, can therefore not be accepted.
6 . DUAL Activity
Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH is entitled to act also for the respective contractual partner, against payment or free of charge.
If the broker and the client are fully qualified merchants within the meaning of the German Commercial Code, both the place of performance and the place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH.
The object is sold/rented by Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH on a brokerage contract. The client must inform us of direct negotiations and their content without being asked. Immobilienwelt Rehage & Partner GmbH is entitled to be present at the conclusion of the contract and to receive a copy or transcript of the contract and all ancillary agreements relating to it, insofar as these are of importance for the calculation and due date of the brokerage fee.
Consumer information on online dispute resolution pursuant to §§ 36 and 37 Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VsbG) and Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013:
We do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
In the event of a consumer dispute that has already arisen, we are obligated pursuant to § 37 VsbG to hereby inform you of the competent arbitration board.
Authority: Universalschlichtungsstelle des Bundes am Zentrum für Schlichtung e.V., Straßburger Straße 8 in 77694 Kehl am Rhein, www.verbraucher-schlichter.de