Just In: Charming Apartment in Tegernsee

Wohnung in Tegernsee

Top loca­tion on the lake! This attrac­tive 1-Bedroom apart­ment on the 1st floor is in a fanta­stic loca­tion, directly on Lake Tegern­see. The apart­ment is also suita­ble as a vaca­tion home.

Two Luxurious Villas in Grünwald/​Munich

Luxuriöse Villen Grünwald

This property, offe­red exclu­si­vely from us, is situa­ted in an abso­lut­ely quiet villa loca­tion, just a few steps away from the Grün­wald Forest. Two modern mansion villas impress with their time­l­ess elegance, combi­ned with a well thought-out, clear and aesthe­tic mate­rial and color concept. Both houses are surroun­ded by a very well-kept garden with gene­rous green areas.

Luxury Apartment at the Tegernsee

Luxuswohnung am Tegernsee

Beein­dru­ckende Natur vor dem Haus und hoch­wer­tige, natür­li­che Mate­ria­lien im Innern. Hier sitzen Sie am Morgen auf Ihrer Terrasse und genie­ßen den ersten Kaffee, während die Sonne die Berg­ket­ten gegen­über in warmes Licht taucht. Und am Abend spie­geln sich die letz­ten Strah­len auf dem ruhi­gen See. Diese exklu­sive, ca. 182 qm große, Wohnung bietet viele […]

Pre-Announcement - Two exclusive Country Homes in

Beide Häuser-Neu_Webseite

The property is loca­ted in an abso­lut­ely quiet loca­tion with unob­s­truc­ted moun­tain views, only a few hundred meters from the center of Rottach-Egern. This is where two exclu­sive coun­try houses are being built with a total of five apart­ments in high-quality design and with luxu­rious furnishings.