Living in the heart of Schotten

Object No. 60080 
Greenliving Wohnhaus



Price upon request




Schot­ten near Frankfurt

Date built






Living space

From approx. 52 m² to approx. 121 m²
Total living space approx. 1.940 m² 

Usable space


Approx. 5.977 m² 


48 Parking spaces 

Furnishing and Design suggestions


Schot­ten, town on the green volcano. In the heart of the Vogels­berg volca­nic region lies the over 650-year-old town of Schot­ten with its 14 districts, surroun­ded by lush meadows, deep green forests and the typi­cal Vogel­berg hedge­row land­scape. The medieval town center, which was built between the 14th and 18th centu­ries, invi­tes you to linger with its lovin­gly reno­va­ted half-timbe­red houses, small alley­ways and well-tended parks. Toge­ther with the local recrea­tion area at the Nidda reser­voir and the Hohe­rodskopf adven­ture moun­tain, Schot­ten offers a wide range of leisure acti­vi­ties for water sports enthu­si­asts, hikers, cyclists and moun­tain bikers alike. Varied hiking and cycling trails lead you through the idyl­lic land­scape of the Vogels­berg with its meadows and forests, over volca­nic rock and rolling hills. Ideal for rela­xing trave­lers and active vaca­tio­ners alike.

With its unique loca­tion in the beau­tiful Vogels­berg district in the imme­diate vici­nity of Hohe­rodskopf and not far from the metro­po­lis of Frank­furt and the pictures­que towns of Wetz­lar and Marburg, Schot­ten is the perfect place to live. The idyl­lic half-timbe­red archi­tec­ture of the town center and nume­rous shop­ping oppor­tu­ni­ties make Schot­ten a place worth living in. In addi­tion to hiking trails, many sights and natu­ral monu­ments, the surroun­ding area invi­tes you to linger.


With their first-class furnis­hings and outstan­ding amen­i­ties, the 1-, 2- and 3-room apart­ments offer a real plus in quality of life:

  • Turn­key living with first-class sani­tary features
  • Exclu­sive location
  • Photo­vol­taic
  • Heat pump
  • High-quality tiles and floor coverings
  • Video inter­com system
  • Floor heating with indi­vi­dual room regulation
  • Light-floo­ded apartments
  • Parking space included
  • Elec­tric char­ging stations
  • Balconies/​terraces in all resi­den­tial units
  • Modern eleva­tor
  • Barrier-free living
  • and much more ...

Property description

Moder­niza­tion of 26 apart­ments in a prime loca­tion of Schotten.

Modern, light-floo­ded 1-, 2- and 3-room apart­ments with spacious terraces and balconies.

Purchase prices from € 201.000,00 to € 443.000,00


Energy certi­fi­cate: needs-based certi­fi­cate valid until 4.4.2032; buil­dings year of cons­truc­tion 1929 + 2005 + 2022; final energy requi­re­ment of the buil­ding: A+ 16.1 kWh/(m²a)

Free of commis­sion for the buyer

Please cont­act us for detailed infor­ma­tion and a compre­hen­sive exposé.

Get in touch with us!

Greenliving Wohnhaus

Please cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons about this property.
We will call you back.

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