
Immo­bi­li­en­welt Rehage & Part­ner GmbH 
Südli­che Haupt­straße 7
D-83700 Rottach-Egern

Fon: +49 8022 – 240 81
Fax: +49 8022 – 67 00 07
E-Mail: info@​immobilienwelt.​com

Mana­ging Part­ner
Wolf­gang Bötsch
HRB München 102611

Busi­ness licence accor­ding to §34c GewO
Compe­tent super­vi­sory autho­rity:
Indus­trie- und Handels­kam­mer für München und Ober­bay­ern,
Max-Joseph-Straße 2, 80333 München,

Busi­ness liabi­lity insu­rance: Gothaer Versi­che­rung AG,
Gene­ral Agency Rottach-Egern

VAT Regis­tra­tion number: DE157152434

Consu­mer infor­ma­tion on online dispute reso­lu­tion pursu­ant to §§ 36 and 37 VsbG and Regu­la­tion (EU) No. 524/2013:
We do not parti­ci­pate in dispute reso­lu­tion procee­dings before a consu­mer arbi­tra­tion board.

In the event of a consu­mer dispute that has alre­ady arisen, we are obli­ged pursu­ant to § 37 VsbG to inform you of the compe­tent arbi­tra­tion board.
Respon­si­ble: Univer­sal Arbi­tra­tion Board of the Fede­ra­tion at the Centre for Arbi­tra­tion e.V., Straß­bur­ger Straße 8 in 77694 Kehl am Rhein (www​.verbrau​cher​-schlich​ter​.de)


Liabi­lity for contents

The contents of our pages were crea­ted with the grea­test care. Howe­ver, we cannot assume any liabi­lity for the correct­ness, comple­ten­ess and up-to-daten­ess of the contents.

Liabi­lity for links

Our offer conta­ins links to exter­nal websites of third parties, on whose contents we have no influence. Ther­e­fore, we cannot assume any liabi­lity for these exter­nal contents. The respec­tive provi­der or opera­tor of the pages is always respon­si­ble for the content of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possi­ble legal viola­ti­ons at the time of linking. Ille­gal contents were not reco­g­nisable at the time of linking. Howe­ver, perma­nent moni­to­ring of the content of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete indi­ca­ti­ons of a legal viola­tion. If we become aware of any infrin­ge­ments, we will remove such links immediately.


The opera­tors of the pages always endea­vour to respect the copy­rights of others or to use their own works or works in the public domain. The contents and works crea­ted by the site opera­tors on these pages are subject to German copy­right law. Contri­bu­ti­ons by third parties are marked as such. The repro­duc­tion, editing, distri­bu­tion and any kind of utili­sa­tion outside the limits of copy­right law require the writ­ten consent of the respec­tive author or crea­tor. Down­loads and copies of this site are only permit­ted for private, non-commer­cial use.