New Construction "Kaiserblick at the Tegernsee"

Object No. 50070 

7 dream apartments in unique lake view villas

at the Tegernsee

We are plea­sed to present you one of the most beau­tiful loca­ti­ons for a resi­den­tial project at Lake Tegern­see: "KAISER­BLICK at the Tegernsee".

A unique ensem­ble is being crea­ted, consis­ting of a histo­ric dream villa and a newly built coun­try villa with a total of seven resi­den­tial units. And not just anywhere on the beau­tiful Tegern­see, but in an abso­lute dream loca­tion with a magni­fi­cent lake view in the north of the village of Tegernsee.

The fanta­stic, histo­ric villa, built in 1708, has been comple­tely reno­va­ted in recent years and pres­ents itself again in the sple­ndor of the time when guests from the high nobi­lity met here to enjoy the truly unique view from the terraces and balco­nies of this resi­den­tial jewel to the lake festi­vals and events that take place, for exam­ple, even today.

Nearby the histo­ric villa we are buil­ding a gene­rously plan­ned coun­try villa in the archi­tec­tu­ral style of the region with three luxu­rious resi­den­tial units. As in the histo­ric villa, there will be one apart­ment per floor.

The ensem­ble also includes an under­ground garage with approx. 17 plan­ned parking spaces, direct access to the recrea­tion rooms and the eleva­tor, which will take the resi­dents of the coun­try villa directly to their respec­tive apartments.

Welcome to "KAISER­BLICK at the Tegern­see" - a special place for special people. Which may also become your future home, where you will feel more than comfortable.

3756 Echterweg Aussen Stp_03 Tag 01_weitwinkl_klein

Here, the location becomes the lounge


Here, you sit on your spacious terrace in the morning and enjoy the first coffee while the sun illu­mi­na­tes the moun­tain ranges across from you in warm light. And in the evening, the last rays are reflec­ted on the calm lake while you drink a good glass of wine with friends.

No one will be able to take this view away from you. Because the land on which your property stands is loca­ted on an expo­sed slope towards the lake. Nothing will ever be able to block your unob­s­truc­ted view of the Wall­berg and the Ring­spitz, all the way to the distant Blau­berge moun­ta­ins. And no one will ever take the water out of the lake in the fore­seeable future. Even though it is one of the clea­nest lakes in Bavaria.

This is the perfect place for people with high stan­dards. These dream villas should also meet this in every respect: from the layout of the two houses to the buil­ding subs­tance and the furnishings.

3756 Echterweg Aussen Stp_05 Tag 04_weitwinkl_klein